First Circuit of Patrimonial Trees in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Cusco.

The Heritage Route of the Tree, in the heart of the Sacred Valley, in the province of Calca, Cusco, is put at the service of the community, including visits to five magnificent specimens visited by students and teachers of the Señor de la Vara Special Center Educational Institution . On the occasion of the 169th anniversary of the province of Calca and Environment Day.

The route begins at the Cristo Salvador de Urco Cooperative, here we find a specimen of pisonay (Erythrina falcata), which is linked to the Unu Urco festival, and a pine (Araucaria heterophylla) that draws the attention of visitors due to its large size and longevity. The story is told from generation to generation, thus having access to trees over 100 years old, whose presence recalls the time of the haciendas and cooperatives.

The tour continues, along the Minamocco boardwalk, and the urban area of ​​Jirón Ucayali, here we find the pisonay twice, evidencing the good relationship between the inhabitants and nature. In the peasant community of Sacllo, El Sauce (Salix humboldtianaWilld) grows associated with the history of Hacienda Sacllo-Paucartina, this tree being the last destination.

This circuit allows us to enjoy the majestic landscape offered by the Sacred Valley of the Incas, as well as other important forest species. The historic trees that make it up have been named Bicentennial trees, and their recognition will be in November 2021, approved by RDE No. 037-2020-MINAGRI-SERFOR-DE.

The local government has considered the «Environmental Educational Bus» service, coordinating the participation of environmental promoters who guide the visit and discovery of these trees, and giving an important value to Quechua, the native language of the Andes. All this promises to be a comprehensive and inclusive space to strengthen the educational, cultural and socioeconomic conditions of the state.




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